It's been a long time...

Well I used to write but it's been a long time so.. I decided to rewritw and now here at my blogspot sorry I used to write in english on sat. 'cause today I assist to my english course... i almost finih but... thtat wasn't the theme that I wanted to talk... so let's begin...

To My Friends(well to "all" of them)

Mis amigos son esas maravillosas personas que me hacen recordar...
que me hacen ver la vida... que no siempre es tan pesada...
son esas personas que me hacen voltear a ver el sol y sonreir...

Mas no siempre los amigos "fueron" asi...
llegue a encontrar "amigos"....
ell@s complicaron mi vida hasta el extremo,
hasta casí terminar....

Ell@s eran maravillosos,
pero no siempre lo "maravilloso"
es lo mejor... eso es una,
de tantas cosas que eh aprendido...

Well sorry I'll not write about that alll the time this blog it's supossed to talk about tech but this time I can let go yesterday's talk with my dearest friend "Dany"

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